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Nikki walked over to look at the basket. She had never seen a hot-air balloon up close. The basket had high sides. Ropes went up from the basket to the balloon above. She got up on her toes to peek inside. To get a better look she pulled herself up on the edge of the basket, but lost her balance and toppled into the baskethead first.

Nikki’s mom continued to talk to the balloon ride operator as a breeze began to blow and the balloon began to rise into the air. Nikki was sitting on the floor of the basket, where she found a leather bag. It was filled with tools balloonists can use to help find their way. She found a compass, a telescope, and a map of the park. About that time, Nikki felt the balloon begin to wobble. She looked over the side of the basket, and was amazed to see the ground so far below.

The ropes that were supposed to keep the balloon in one place had come untied and were dangling below the balloon. She could now see into the park. A boat drifted toward the bridge, a flag waved in the breeze, children rode the horses on the carousel as it circled round and round, and farm animals gathered under the trees in the barnyard.

The View from a Higher Point

The picture below shows what Nikki saw from the balloon. Look at the picture of the park again. Things look a little different from when she was outside the gate.

Now look for these things in the park that you could not see from the ground

- the lake
- bridge
- the Merry-go-Round
You can see more things from this higher point of view.

You can see these things because you looking down on the park. The park's walls do not block your view of what is inside.

Nikki could also see the park better if she was on top of a tall building or in an airplane. Looking down from a high place helps you see more things.

That is why most maps are made of from the overhead (looking down) view.
Thanks to the United States Geological Survey for the information and materials found on this site.