
Nikki Learns about Symbols and a Key

People who make maps (cartographers) use symbols to represent things on the ground. For example, in a map of a city, mapmakers will not draw a separate picture of every school. Instead, they will probably draw a simple picture of a school and use that to show every school on the map. 

Look at this map of the park again. Colors are also used to show things on a map.

Rivers and lakes are usually shown as

Trees, shrubs, and grass are usually shown as

Buildings and streets are shown as black or white.
Now you know that symbols on a map represent something on the ground.

When you look at a map, you may not know what all its symbols mean. So, on a map, symbols are identified in an area called the key or the legend.

A map's key or legend explains what symbols on a map mean. 

Here is a key for the map above. 
Thanks to the United States Geological Survey for the information and materials found on this site.