
Nikki Learns About Directions

Maps use the directions north, south, east, and west to help us locate objects.
Many maps have a compass or a small drawing like the one pictured below to help
identify the directions N
orth, South, East, and West.

North is at the top on most maps.

Find the north gate on the map of the park.  Now find the south, east, and west gates.
If you were standing on the star at the middle of the park which direction would you walk to get to the north gate?

I hope you answered north!
As you can see you can also use north, south, east, and west to talk about how to move from one place to another on a map.
Now I would like you to complete a short assignment to see if you understand the compass rose. Click on the blue arrow at the top of the page to see the quiz called "Which Way?" on Moodle.  
Thanks to the United States Geological Survey for the information and materials found on this site.